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3 Social Media Metrics Your Business Should Start Tracking

As the digital world becomes more interactive, social media becomes a valuable investment for companies around the world. Getting started has never been easier as anyone with an account can start posting and interacting with others.

But is your marketing campaign producing results?

One indication of a popular profile is the number of followers the page has or the amount of traffic it generates to a website. Unfortunately, most business owners stop here and are content as long as the numbers go up.

The following are some of the most important social media metrics your business should be tracking.

1. Growth Rate

Being able to view your growth rate allows you to assess the effectiveness of your social marketing campaigns. This number helps to track your momentum on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. A growing trend is a good sign that the campaign is producing a positive result.

2. Engagement

Having thousands of followers is nice but is also a completely pointless number if your content is not reaching the right people. Engagement rate looks at the number of shares that your content receives. This gives your business a better idea of which type of posts produce the best results for your business.

3. Conversions

Social media campaigns require a lot of hard work from creating engaging content to interacting with your audience. Whether your business sells products or access to online services, you expect results. Tracking conversions allows you to determine how your campaigns are performing over time.


The only downside with popular platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is the lack of reporting and statistics. If you want to be able to track these metrics above in more detail, you need powerful tools that allow you to see a better overview of your accounts.

Simply Measured is one example of a paid tool that allows you to track vital details about your social media campaign and is worth taking a look at. Social media marketing simply cannot be ignored but it is also a significant investment. This is why tracking these metrics are so important.

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Hi there, I'm Josh Denning, founder of Authority Factory, Author of the book Authority Marketing, Chief Editor of Authority Marketing Magazine and host of Authority the Podcast.